Change the world with your voice.
What People Are Saying
“Joanne is truly the best voice teacher I have ever had. She tailored my lessons to my specific needs and encouraged my input. My range and ability surpassed my expectations within just a few weeks. Joanne is a skilled, intuitive and compassionate teacher who uses her experience and creativity to evoke the best work out of her students. She’s the best thing to happen to my voice in decades!”
— Jeanine Flynn
“I'm lovin' it! It's so much more than voice's feeding my soul!”
— Andrea Hough
“I'm telling you was so amazing to sing stepping back in time, but also just...ugh, as Moms we need to take care of ourselves. We need something for US!"
— Juliet Bowen
“Joanne has been a wonderful teacher to me. As someone who does not comfortably call herself a ‘singer,’ Joanne created a safe space from the very start. Her knowledge of the industry holds incredibly value, not to mention her various vocal tricks, imagery, and warmups to leave each session feeling confident in your voice.”